Entries by webmaster

Eye Exams

So do you ever feel like you really have to concentrate during an eye exam?  Michael Nelson, OD


One of the most common complications with contacts is the lack of oxygen(hypoxia).  The cornea is a unique tissue because it is the only tissue in the body that absorbs it’s oxygen supply directly from the air and not from blood vessels.  If you reduce the oxygen supply to the cornea by wearing contacts too […]

Silicone Hydrogel Materials

Up until 2000 there were relatively few major advances in contact lenses.  Mostly changes were a result of lenses that would not dry out as much or changes to the shape of the lens to make them more comfortable. In 2000 contact lens companies started introducing silicone-hydrogel lenses which were able to provide much more […]

Price Comparisons

I was talking with some business owners the other day and they were asking me about how I compete with all the sales that the big box and chain optical stores provide. I said that the key to competing is to educate our patients about what the ‘sales’ are. The interesting thing is that when […]


Part of an Optometrist’s responsibility is detecting eye disease or risk factors for eye disease. We use a number of tools in order to do this: microscopes, penlights, visual acuity, etc. One area that we need to look at is the retina. You can view the retina by shining a light and looking through the […]

Common Eye Conditions

0-6 years: Common Eye Conditions that may be noted in 6 year olds and under include the following: Myopia(nearsightedness), Hyperopia (farsightedness), Astigmatism, Amblyopia(Lazy Eye), Strabismus (turned eye) and Eye Infections. In my opinion the most important of these is Amblyopia, which affects 5% of children and responds well to treatment under the age of 6. […]

Eye Blog

Thanks for dropping by.  Now I can only assume that if you have taken the time to stumble across our blog you are almost as passionate about vision as we are.  I hope we can help inform and perhaps entertain a little.

Low Vision

Low Vision is basically when someones vision is reduced and cannot be improved with glasses or contacts.  Usually it is a result of some form of eye disease or condition.  The most common form cause of Low Vision is Macular Degeneration.  Low Vision treatments basically involve using magnifiers or other optical devices to try to […]