What Do Flashes and Floaters In My Vision Mean?

Hey are you seeing strange lights or things floating…

Flashes and Floater Symptoms Webinar

Attached is the transcript from Dr. Nelson's Flashes and Floaters…
eye examination test

I can tell your IQ by looking in your eyes

A study published in the May 15, 2013 journal Psychological Science…
eye examination test

Retinal Transplant for Macular Degeneration

Almost everyday I have someone ask me if it possible to do…
eye examination test

Central Retinal Vein Occulsion

A retinal vein occlusion is a blockage of the small veins that…
eye examination test

Visors in Hockey

Recent close call eye injuries to the Jets' Andrew Ladd and Flyers'…
eye examination test

Choroidal Nevus

Choroidal nevi are commonly found in the choroid, a blood vessel-rich…