eye examination test

I can tell your IQ by looking in your eyes

A study published in the May 15, 2013 journal Psychological Science reports an association between retinal vessel size and IQ.  Now considering I look at retinal blood vessels all day long, this article intrigued me.  The study looked at over 1000 individuals and found that after accounting for all sorts of extenuating circumstances, those with larger retinal vessel size had lower IQ’s and those with smaller retinal vessel sizes had higher IQ’s.

Armed with my new found knowledge, all I need are 2 retinas to compare.  So I chose mine of course and who else?   My wife of course, Dr. Friesen.


My retina is on the left and her’s is on the right.  And I proceed to measure and average the retinal vessel size, just like investigators did in their study….one eye averaged to be 7.85 pixel vessel size, the other 6.5.

So who had the larger vessel size?

I think you already know.

Michael Nelson, Optometrist, Waverley Eye Care