Why is it hard for me to focus upclose?

Presbyopia it’s one of the most common vision issues that…

Product Review: Anti-fogging products

  One common complaint recently when patients come…
contact lenses


You really don't want to miss this Frame Show! Etnia Barcelona…

Having Trouble Sleeping - See Your Eye Doctor.

Most people are familiar with that blue aura glowing from tablets…
nikon logo

Nikon Lenses Make Your Iphone Faster

If I was to ask you what business Nikon was in, you would probably…
contact lenses

3 Reasons Why This Will Be Your Favourite Contact Lens, and 1 Why You'll Hate It

Let's start with the good - 3 Reasons why you'll love this…
contact lenses

Progressive Lenses

Almost everyone will experience the effects of Presbyopia (the…